Tuesday 12 October 2010

The last image that excited me was of a dress made out of recycled juice cartons. This is because of how amazing it looked and how it was even thought of! I found this whilst researching on past fashion projects!

I love my chosen area (fashion) as i have a passion for designing and being able to take an idea and expand on it in any way i choose! I have decided to study it further as i would like to gain new skills and experiences and broaden my knowledge of and around fashion.

At the end of the two years I would like to be studying my final year at Bower Ashton to get the full degree so i can go on to do something in the fashion designing area.

In the past i hav researched into many themes depending on my projects, i've looked at paper dress's/designers which i found really inspirational; nautical fashion, alot of historical fashion, architecture, kimono prints e.t.c,i enjoy taking more than one theme and mixing them to create something original.

What excites me now is watching tv shows about fashion projects, reading magazines looking at the images seeing whats new, my job in a retail clothes shop working around new styles e.t.c

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